Sabtu, 16 Januari 2016



Electrical Engineering

by ;
Andi Ahmad Marzuki
Depit Ludiyanto

Ancient Developments
ENIAC in Philadelphia as Glen Beck (background) and Betty Snyder (foreground) program it in BRL building 328. Photo circa. 1947 to 1955

Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek philosopher, writing at around 600 B.C.E., described a form of static electricity, nothing that rubbing fur on various substances, such as amber, would cause a particular attraction between the two. He noted that the amber stones could attract light objects such as hair and that if they rubbed the amber for long enough they could even get a spark to jump.
At around 450 B.C.E. Democritus, a later Greek philosopher, developed an atomic theory that was remarkably similar to our modern atomic theory. His mentor, Leucippus, is credited with this same theory. The hypothesis of Leucippus and Democritus held everything to be composed of atoms. But these atoms, called "atomos", were indivisible, and indestructible. He presciently stated that between atoms lies empty space, and that atoms are constantly in motion.
He was incorrect only in stating that atoms come in different sizes and shapes. Each object had its own shaped and sized atom.
An object found in Iraq in 1938, dated to about 250 B.C.E. and called the Baghdad Battery, resembles a galvanic cell and is believed by some to have been used forelectroplating in Mesopotamia, although this has not yet been proven.

5W 1H
1.When did Democritus developed the atomic theory?
2.Who is developed a form of dynamic power?
3.What is recorded by Thomas of Militus?
4.Where is the Baghdad battery is found?
5.Why is atoms called atomos?
6.How an idea of the shape of static electricity?

5W 1H
1. Democritus developed the atomic theory at around 450 B.C.E
2. He is Thales of Militus an ancient greek philosophers
3. He noted that the amber buttons could attract light objects
4. In a county Iraq
5. Because indivisible and indestructible
6. By way rubbing fur on various substances

Verbal senTENcES
1. He noted the amber stones could attract light objects.
     S   V2           
*simple past tense
It uses =Because the writter want to descripe that this thing
             happened in the past.
2. His mentor, Leucippus, was credited with the same theory.
            S                           Be     V2             
*simple past tense
It uses = Because the writter want to descripe that this thing happened in the past.
Verbal TENsES
3. He presciently stated that between atoms lies empty space.
             S              V2            
*simple past tense
4. He was incorrect only stating that atoms come in different sizes.
      S                               V-ing
*past continuous tense
Because that actions was doing in the past.
 5. He is believed by some to have been used for electroplating.
    S   Be   V2
*simple past tense  
He presciently stated that between atoms
An atomic theory that was remarkably similartour modern
His mentor,Leucippus is credited withb this same theory
Each object had its own shaped and sized atom

Active to passive
A-   He cloud the amber stones could attract light objects.
P-   A light objects could be atttractied by the ambers stones

Thales dari Miletus,seorang filsuf yunani kuno, menulis pada sekitar 600 SM, menggambarkan bentuk listrik statis, mencatat bahwa menggosok bulu pada berbagai zat, seperti kuning, akan menyebabkan daya tarik tertentu antar keduanya. Dia mencatat bahwa tombol kuning bisa menarik benda-benda ringan seperti rambut dan bahwa jika mereka mengusap ambar cukup lama mereka bahkan bisa mendapatkan percikan untuk melompat.
Pada sekitar 450 SM Democritus,seorang filsuf yunani kemudian, mengembangkan teori atom yang sangat mirip dengan teori atom modern.

Mentornya, Leucippus, dikreditkan dengan teori yang sama ini.
Hipotesis Leucippus dan Democritus diadakan segala sesuatu yang akan terdiri dari atom. Tapi atom, yang disebut “atomos”, yang terpisahkan, dan tidak bisa dihancurkan. Dia jeli menyatakan bahwa antara atom terletak ruang kosong, dan bahwa atom terus bergerak. Dia benar hanya dengan menyatakan bahwa atom dateng dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk. Setiap objeck memiliki atom berbentuk dan berukuran sendiri.    
Mentornya, Leucippus, dikreditkan dengan teori yang sama ini.
Hipotesis Leucippus dan Democritus diadakan segala sesuatu yang akan terdiri dari atom. Tapi atom, yang disebut “atomos”, yang terpisahkan, dan tidak bisa dihancurkan. Dia jeli menyatakan bahwa antara atom terletak ruang kosong, dan bahwa atom terus bergerak. Dia benar hanya dengan menyatakan bahwa atom dateng dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk. Setiap objeck memiliki atom berbentuk dan berukuran sendiri.     

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